
Former MP Dean Del Mastro released from jail as his second appeal on election charges heard

22 June, 2017

In some cases — such as this one — appellants are held in jail, as a condition of their bail, while an appeal takes place in court.

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Queen's Law celebrates excellent teachers, mooters and student achievers

18 April, 2017

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Fear of delay prompts bid to remove lawyer from first-degree murder trial

4 April, 2017

An Ontario prosecutor is urging a judge to remove a defence lawyer from a first-degree murder trial because the defence lawyer is not available until next March, and the prosecution fears part of its case will be thrown out for unreasonable delay as a result.

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Social media luddites and the admissibility of evidence

11 February, 2017

Social media has become a ubiquitous reality.  But that doesn't mean that everyone is on quite the same footing when it comes to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and the like.

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Former SNC executives, businessman acquitted in corruption case

10 February, 2017

RCMP's handling of investigation called into question as Ontario judge rejects wiretap evidence based on 'gossip and rumour'

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